You can quit smoking. Most people seem to tapper off prior to finally quiting this habit. But some manage to quit “Cold Turkey”. Either way, if you are planning to quit, help is available. Check out this web site: is full of useful resources to help you on your way to a smoke free life. If you need additional help, hypnosis may be a good option for you. Regardless, it’s time to make some serious changes.
I remember when I decided to quit at 31 after smoking for 16 years. It was ‘tracking’ each day when the urge came to uncover exactly why I wanted a cigarette in the moment….and acknowledging this without reacting…..accomplished by deliberately altering what I was doing. It was amazing how many times I noticed a series of minor thought patterns lead to the urge. Waiting… patience levels…..was the major source of patterns.
!3 years passed and I was confronted by major life changes which extolled even more necessity for patience. As I watched my ex-wife’s plane leave PG Airport for Texas I knew 2 things…
1. I’d never see her again
2. I was going to start smoking again to offset the issue.
7 years passed and I tired of the damn things again so I quit again. No withdrawal.
Its a helluva life ain’t it !
What are the advantages of hypnosis to quit smoking? You will discover lots of benefits of hypnosis treatment. The most crucial factor is that you can find no medications required and no nicotine content involved so it’s one of the safest methods. Also, it is not really high-priced and you are able to quickly do hypnosis treatment at the comforts of your residence. It is a natural technique without any side effects and gives fast outcomes in comparison to other methods.
My husband and I went to a hostynipt together to quit smoking. We get there and it is a big open room with the lights dim the Dr. talked to us for a little while and then he proceeded to hypnotize us. I really had wanted to quit so I was paying close attention to what he said even though I didn’tt feel like anything was really happening until . he said your arm will slowly raise and you won’t be able to put it down. I could see and feel everything and my arm started to raise it freaked me the hell out! And I guess I came out of the trance. I let him finish his thing but I was dying to leave. I was so freaked that when I did leave I lit a cigarette as soon as I walked out! I did not like the feeling of losing control over myself at all. It is a very unsettling experience. I do have to say though it probably would have worked if he wouldn’t have used that arm thing lol.